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Code4rena audit setup form

🎯 Your answers here help us focus on the areas of highest importance to you, so you can get the most value from your audit, as fast as possible.

Name of your protocol:

Link to project documentation:

Is this the first time the contracts in scope are being audited?

Is your protocol expected to interact with any ERC20 tokens?

Is your protocol expected to interact with any ERC721 tokens?

Is your protocol expected to interact with any ERC1155 tokens?

External integrations (e.g. Uniswap) - are you concerned with findings related to:

We recognize these mechanisms as in-scope by default. We suggest you opt out of the behaviors that you believe should not be in scope.
Yes = in scope No = out of scope
Enabling/disabling fees (e.g. Blur disables/enables fees)
Pausability (e.g. Uniswap pool gets paused)
Upgradeability (e.g. Uniswap gets upgraded)

On what chains do you plan to deploy the protocol? (now and in the future)

On what chains do you plan to deploy the protocol? (now and in the future)

Please list any known issues/acceptable risks that should not result in a valid finding.

Known issues help auditors work faster and focus on what's important. Example

Are there contracts that are required to comply with any EIPs?

Answer with N/A if there are no such requirements.

Please note down your areas of concern

Listing your areas of concern can help guide wardens to focus on vulnerabilities in specific modules that are more critical than others.
Here are two examples - Example1, Example2 - that can serve as a template.

Please describe your main invariants

Describing your main invariants will reduce the volume of questions you will get in Discord, and help the auditors focus on high-impact issues. Here is a good example that can serve as a template for you.

Please list all trusted roles in the protocol

Answer with N/A if your protocol is permissionless.

Describe any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models implemented in the contracts:

Here is a good example you can use as a template.

Provide every step required to build the project from a fresh git clone and steps to run the tests with a gas report.

Do you have a bug bounty program? If so, please share the link here

We'll direct wardens to submit any out-of-scope findings here.

Please share any upcoming deadlines or launches that we should know about - or might affect your audit timelines: